That Moment, When You Realize That Your Dreams Can Possibly Come True.

I had to take a moment to reflect on the season of life I am in, right now. This season of clarity, learning, developing self, people empowerment, and environmental change. My last day at my 9-5, about 10-months ago, was a bittersweet moment. I loved leaving there and stepping into entrepreneurship full-time, but that huge leap of faith was a scary feeling! From that very moment to now, I can truly say GOD has His hands on my life. He has been rewarding me for my change from a BOY to a MAN. HE is delivering me of my selfish ways, and grooming my character to focus on serving others. Every vision that I see and pray about, I truly believe will come true. These visions are measurable, yet they are so crazy that other people think I am crazy for even believing it will come to pass!
During this season, I have taken time to reflect on friends who are no longer in my circle. God removed them, as they were not able to support the new season I was stepping into. I understand now, that if there were to stay- I would not be living out my purpose, today. There's a reason behind every new season. God has now placed new friends and connections around me that have more meaning and purpose for not only my life, but their own lives as well. As they old saying goes "birds of a feather, flock togethter." In order to really fly, you must flock around the right crowd that will lift you up, and not take you down!
Living this entrepreneur life CAN GET REAL and requires tons of sacrifices. Though, it can be a lot, I would not trade it for the world. Anytime I feel down, confused, and stuck, God shows up! When funds get low, He shows up. When business moves need to be made, He gives the discernment on whether to move forward or to leave it alone. God shows up in those around me, and He continues to show me how good and faithful He is. He is building my testimonial portfolio to be able to share with others. He has lead me to believe my dreams are possible and can be reached, as long as I stay in HIS will. God turned my life around, so it is only right that I stay the course, work extremely hard, and stay prayerful while giving Him all the praise and glory!
I tell you all this to say: No matter what stage of your life you are in right now...just know you can accomplish ANYTHING IF you are willing to be obedient to HIS call and purpose over your life.
1. To be great you have to be willing to be comfortable with being uncomfortable.
2. God has plan for your life. Will you follow His lead, or will you ruin it by creating your own path?
3. Watch the company you keep!
4. Every season will get rid of old, and bring something new, be ready!
5. Stop making excuses. Get it done. You will feel better in the end.
6. You can do all things through Christ who strengthen you! Philippians 4:13