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Weight Lifting


Get Better. Faster. Stronger. 


This is for the athletes looking to increase their active lifestyle.  We are focused to create a program that will help you look good and feel good, by maximizing your time spent in the gym.  We will help you to reach both your short term and long term strength and conditioning goals!


These goals can include improving body composition, enhancing sports performance, or even just basic building of your muscles and overall well-being to create a healthier and more athletic lifestyle.



  Number of Sessions                                  Total Cost

  4 Session Package……………………………………$220

   8 Session Package……………………………………$400 


Just click here and submit your payment!
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Please refer to our CLIENT AGREEMENT & FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS regarding training packages and refunds.
All appointments are maintained by SCHEDULISTA.
Strong Woman

Program Expenditures for CTAB Non-Profit Organization


All training proceeds will be disseminated throughout the program as follows: 


Training dollars will support CTAB mission, specifically subsidized scholarships, to the extent possible, for those students that may not be able to participate otherwise due to costs.  Monetary benefits will also sustain overhead and administration necessities needed to keep the program current.

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