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Do Not Just Meet YOur Goals,

But Exceed Your Goals!


Welcome to Cross-Training Athletes into Believers (CTAB) Fitness Training!  

Your journey with us is bound to be a very fulfilling and great experience in training. You have chosen to take an active role in your spiritual growth as well as improve your personal fitness goals. 


Our goal for each client is to leave with more resources and knowledge related to the pursuit of bigger and greater possibilities in their lives.  No matter your age, it's never to early or too late to develop a healthier life.  Our sessions will be customized to meet your personal needs, and the overall program will be designed to safely reach your fitness goals!











Individual Personal Fitness Training

30-minute Sessions 


4 sessions $100/month 4 SESSION MINIMUM


8 sessions $160/month 8 SESSION MINIMUM

1-hour Sessions 

4 sessions $220/month 4 SESSION MINIMUM


8 sessions $400/month 8 SESSION MINIMUM



Available in the mornings on the following days:





Please refer to our CLIENT AGREEMENT & FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS regarding training packages and refunds.
All appointments are maintained by SCHEDULISTA.
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